Note : As you may recall, in December 2016, the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) issued warning letters to sellers of filtered cigars .
These letters stated CTP’s belief that because of the shape, size and packaging of these products, they were likely offered to, or purchased by, consumers as cigarettes not cigars.
As such, they were likely in violation of the Tobacco Control Act if they contained characterizing flavors.
We stated in our December 9, 2016 memo to you, that we believed strongly that CTP’s interpretation of this provision was incorrect as a matter of law and policy,
and that we intended to actively and aggressively defend those products.At the moment we are unable to sell filtered cigars ,and we hope the CTP will acknowledge the difference between cigarettes and Filtered cigars after our explanation.
Please contact us with any questions.
[email protected]
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Windy City Cigars