What are the different types of cigar wrappers?

A cigar is a roll of fermented tobacco which is made up using 100% pure tobacco products. It is made up of one kind of tobacco only. Due to high quality of tobacco used in manufacturing it, not many smokers could enjoy puffing it. In earlier days, cigars were smoked only during some special occasion. But over a decade, with the improvement in the field of science and technology it has become easier to provide cheaper cigars which can be made available and affordable to all smokers. When you buy a cigar, the first thing you should check for is the color of wrapper. Do not buy if it has turned dry or decolorized because it will ruin the taste of cigar when smoked. 

Cigar wrapper is an essential component as it holds the tobacco filler. It is easy to determine the taste of cigar with the help of its wrapper. Also, the color of wrapper indicates the flavor of cigar. There are cigars like Connecticut Cigars that are made up using Connecticut wrappers that give a spicy taste when puffed. 

In order to enjoy smoking a cigar, it is advisable to buy Mild Cigars because it is made up using a strong quality of tobacco and the wrapper of such cigars is reddish brown in color which indicates its strength. Also, another kind of cigars that offers a rich blend of intoxicating flavors is the Bahamas Cigars. Such kind of cigars are hard to resist.

Shades of Cigar Wrappers

Windy City Cigars