It’s all about unwinding when you’re smoking a cigar. And you’ll need the best to make the voyage more enjoyable. The joy, aroma, and flavor connected with cigars are what make the whole experience so unique. A high-quality cigar is an investment in both money and time. Griffin Perfecto and Maduro Cigars are excellent examples of this.
With the Griffin Perfecto cigars, Davidoff, a magnificent creator of handmade premium cigars, brings us one of the most renowned cigars in the world. This wonderfully flavored stick of goodness continues to satisfy seasoned smokers all around the globe.
Griffin’s Perfecto Maduro is one of the greatest Dominican Republic cigar brands. They’re made by hand by highly skilled artisans who have spent years honing their craft. Each Griffin Perfecto Maduro is encased in exquisite Connecticut shade leaves. It emits pleasant odors with a naturally sweet, creamy, and succulent flavor when burned. Enough to hook you from the very first drag. The Colorado claro color, Perfecto form, 4-inch length, and 52-ring gauge are full of earthy flavor. This distinctive and aromatic cigar is made entirely of high-quality tobacco and natural additives.
Griffin’s Perfecto Maduro Cigars are sure to satisfy all of your senses at all times. The wonderful perfume fills the room with delicate undertones as soon as you light it. These cigars are ideal for those who smoke on a regular basis. The concentrated flavor is a reflection of the high-quality brand. The Griffin Perfecto Maduro possesses all of the characteristics that distinguish outstanding cigars.
- Manufacturer: Davidoff Cigar Company
- Country of origin: Dominican Republic
- Qty. per Package: Box of 25 cigars
- Grade: HLF
- Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
- Color: Colorado Claro
- Blender: H. Kelner
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Strength: Mild/ Mellow/ Medium
- Shape: Perfecto
- Length: 4.5 Inches
- Ring size: 52
Griffin Toro Maduro Cigars