Cigars, despite being so popular, are notorious for being high maintenance, but products like Macanudo Fresh Rothschild are changing this assumption. These cigars have completely revolutionized the way cigars are packed and sold.
- Individual Packing: Each individual cigar comes in a pack of its own. These separate packings allow the cigars to be highly portable and travel-friendly. You can also give these cigars to your friends without worrying too much about packing them properly.
- Low Maintenance: The Macanudo Fresh Rothschild doesn’t need to be kept in a humidor and doesn’t need frequent clipping. This way, you will be able to enjoy these cigars without the hassle of maintaining them.
- Mellow: The Macanudo Fresh Rothschild cigars have a mellow flavor. This mellow flavor is calming and slowly grows on the smoker. Beginners and cigar aficionados both enjoy the mild flavor of Macanudo Fresh Rothschild cigars.
- Connecticut Shade: The Connecticut Shade tobacco is being used in these cigars as a binder. This particular tobacco is an ideal binder because of its firm yet flexible stability.
If you are going on a short trip but would like to keep a cigar, then simply pop a single packet of Macanudo Fresh Rothschild cigars in a small bag. You don’t have to worry about keeping the whole cigar kit with you.