NUB Variety Sampler/Punch 4 Cigars


The NUB Variety Sampler/Punch 4 Cigars offers an exciting and diverse experience for cigar enthusiasts. This captivating assortment features four premium NUB cigars, each crafted with precision and care to deliver a unique smoking experience. The NUB cigars are known for their short and stout size, packing a concentrated burst of flavors that captivate the palate from the first draw. Whether you prefer a punch of boldness or a more mellow profile, this sampler caters to a range of tastes. Embrace the pleasure of indulging in this exceptional collection and discover why NUB cigars have gained popularity among cigar connoisseurs seeking a memorable and enjoyable smoke.

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Brands: Nub Cigars
Windy City Cigars

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