Panter Dessert Cigars
For a smoke break at any time, Panter Dessert Cigars can be a perfect companion. Each cigar comprises dry-cured tobacco. It blends the premium selection from the US, Brazil, and Indonesia.
Top Quality
Golden Ecuadorian mixed with premium-grade tobacco is the reason for the mellow profile of Panter Dessert Cigars. The excellent flavor selection often makes you want to have more.
Rich Flavor
A Panter Dessert Cigar is pint-sized but delivers a perfect combination of sweet and aromatic smoke. It has smooth drags and a rich flavor that lingers after the smoke. The spicy Java wrapper further strengthens the taste for quick breaks.
Perfectly Packed
These cigars are high-quality, have a creamy texture and delicate flavor all packed in a small size. There is often a hint of coffee in character, making it a great company with coffee, whiskey, or other strong drink. Its rich smoke offers mild strength to suit any smoker’s requirement. Each cigar burns for around 10 – 15 minutes.
There are several flavors and different strengths to choose from according to your requirement. Each pack comes with 20 cigars packed in a lustrous tin package. For their exquisite taste, these cigars are often hard to get. However, we are bringing them to you at a great price.