A classic collection from the Dominican Republic. These Honduran cigars are aimed to be ‘simply-cigars’ and offer an unaltered, authentic flavor of a mild-flavored smoke. Thus, these are a cultural icon.
Machine Made Classics
Each cigar is made with the finest tobacco blend of Honduran and Dominican Republic. These corona shaped, natural colored cigars are designed to offer mellow strength and a mild taste.
Vibrant Beauty
These corona shaped cigars have a homogenized wrapper. However, they look fairly enticing with a certain appeal that makes them a perfect choice to carry. More importantly, they make up for a perfect gift or a show-off during an occasion. Certainly, each cigar is well-crafted.
Feasible Delicacy
These cigars stand on par with the most traditional and premium-grade brands without too much effort. With fantastic taste and impeccable smoke quality, the cost is virtually ‘penniless’ for such a sophisticated selection. Thus, making it a selection for those with a knack for opulent flavors in cigars.
Each order comes with 105 cigars. With these cigars, it is not about having the most expensive or feasible cigar. These cigars are designed for the simple pleasure of smoking indulgence in your life.
Phillies Blunt Cigars are made with tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Honduras.
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