The Agio Meharis Brasil Cigars have often been used as an alternative to Brazilian-origin cigars. Another reason for their popularity is their accessibility and affordability. The varied taste profile makes these cigars an interesting pick.
- Brazilian Arapiraca Wrapper: The Brazilian Arapiraca Wrapper is dark brown in color and rich in flavor. It has a spicy undertone and goes well with espresso and other coffee-based delicacies. The Brazillian Arapiraca Wrapper pairs well with all kinds of tobaccos. It is sturdy and holds the filling nicely.
- Varied Taste Profile: Mostly, cigars have just one taste profile, but the Agio Meharis Brasil Cigars have a varied profile. You can taste the flavors of coffee, pepper, and nuts. This varied taste profile appeals to a large number of people.
- Great Packaging: These cigars are packed in slim and convenient packing. Usually, cigars are packed in a bulky way, but not these ones. The packaging is so compact that you can carry up to 100 cigars in a small purse itself. In short words, the portability of these cigars has increased exponentially due to packaging.
Having a pack of Agio Meharis Brasil Cigars is a great thing. You can always choose to relax by lighting up one of these in the evening or after dinner.