Agio Meharis Cigars
Agio Meharis Cigars have been a market leader in cigar manufacturing since 1976. Agio Meharis Cigars are known for providing a smooth tasting, aromatic “small cigar” that delivers a great taste.
Windy City Cigars has offered Meharis Cigars since we opened our web site ten years ago and always stock these great tasting cigarillos:
Java: this small cigar packs a lot of taste that is a rich and smooth smoke.
Ecuador: has an Ecuadorian wrapper leaf that provides more of traditional small cigar taste than the rest of their line.
Brasil: a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper coats this fine tasting cigarillo; with a rich taste and slight hints of pepper, coffee and nuts.
Sweet Orient: this cigarillo uses a high quality Java wrapper and gives you a taste rich in vanilla, a touch of sweetness and a real tobacco taste.