Alameda Cigars
Alameda Cigars are Dominican-style cigars that are both luxurious and affordable. These cigars made their debut in 2001, but the founder, Manuel Quesada, has been in the cigar business since the 1970s. The Quesada family’s founding mission was to sell authentic Dominican cigars that anyone could afford, and fifty years later, they’re still sticking to their noble cause.
Along with other Quesada brands like Sosa, Fonseca, and Nat Sherman Nombre, Alameda cigars are some of the best on the market. With a great taste, a pleasing aroma, smooth smokability, and an affordable price, Alamedas are appreciated by both cigar experts and regular joes. What makes these cigars so successful is that they offer a premium experience for a small price. The best part is that anyone can afford an Alameda! One cigar costs only $2 and if you think that’s too good to be true, think again!
Alameda Cigars stand out against the competition for many reasons, some of which happen to be taste, smell, and quality. Other cigars brands can’t touch Almeda’s incredible taste and spicy aroma, and they definitely can’t beat Alameda prices. While the ingredients of Alameda cigars are under lock and key, we do know that these cigars are wrapped in shade-grown leaves and a Dominican long-leaf filler, which contributes to its exceptional taste.
The Alameda Cigar brand is top-notch for many reasons. Alameda offers a genuine Dominican cigar experience for a price that won’t hurt the bank. Alameda Cigars are entirely unlike any “cheap” cigars and cigarillo brand because they are dedicated to quality, authenticity, and affordability.