Arango Sportsman Cigars are high-quality machine-made cigars, made with an Ecuadorian wrapper, standard sheet binder, and a filler combining Dominican and Honduran tobacco. You’ll get a slight hint of vanilla flavoring in these cigars too: not too much, just enough to give you a great vanilla taste.
This machine-made cigar is designed to give you a remarkable experience of relaxation and luxury. The affluent characteristic of the cigar is accompanied by a frivolous blend of tobaccos. Here are some features that make it even more appealing.
A Classic Blend – This high-quality, premium-grade cigar features Dominican and Honduran tobacco.
Allowing a smooth and powerful drag, this assortment makes your smoking experience an exquisite one. Fully sun-grown, these seeds offer an authentic feel of smoking.
Impeccable Build – This fine cigar provides you with leisure and a sense of worthy extravagance through its outstanding construct. Embracing an Ecuadorian sheet, the cigar allows a suitable hold. Manufactured with stern specifications, the cigar entails a standard sheet binder and a superior filler.
Pristine Taste – The astounding blend of Dominican and Honduran lets you relish an aromatic essence and a strong sway. This is followed by the flawless vanilla tint to the cigar. The mild vanilla touch to the dynamic nature of the cigar is bound to create an iconic experience for you.
Avail of this top-quality cigar to flatter your palate. Let the drag of this cigar define your style. Available in Maduro and Natural brands, this cigar swears to be your chic companion, whether alone or with peers.
We carry all brands of Arango Sportsman Cigars both Maduro and Natural: