Arturo Fuente cigars have become one of the most popular cigar brands around the world. And no wonder, the reason? The quality and impeccable management in the manufacture of these magnificent cigars. Arturo Fuente 858 Natural Cigars have excellent quality brought directly from its factory in the Dominican Republic.
These world class quality cigars are specifically handmade, providing a premium quality evident in every cigar, and often tend to sell out in a short time in specialty stores.
These cigars have an African Cameroon wrapper with a sweet and somewhat spicy touch. They are wrapped with premium quality tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic which makes these cigars one-of-a-kind and unique manufacturing techniques.
With 6 inches in length and a ring gauge of 47, these cigars have a mild but firm flavor with light nutty and spicy notes. You will feel their characteristic cedar smell, as these cigars have been stored in Spanish cedar vaults to provide a greater concentration and presence of this peculiar flavor.
The smoke of this cigar is pretty smooth, and its taste is very well balanced. It is excellent for a relaxing afternoon, where you can enjoy one of the most aromatic cigars on the market today.
The Arturo Fuente 858 Natural Cigars per unit price is quite affordable for a premium cigar of its quality. Still, this time we present it in a beautiful cedar box in the presentation of 25 units. Perfect for a special gift or to treat yourself to a unique and relaxing experience that you can’t miss.
This cigar will level up whatever you are doing! It makes you a pleasant companion, adding the touch of sophistication you need to stand out wherever you are. If you are a fan of Arturo Fuente cigars, then you should give it a try!
Country of Construction: Santiago, Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Cameroon.
- Binder: Dominican.
- Filler: Dominican.
- Strength: Light Medium
- Shape: Toro.
- Length: 6 in.
- Ring Size: 47
Arturo Fuente Privada #1 Maduro Cigars (6 3/4 x 44)