Antonio Y Cleopatra Grenadiers offers one of the most distinguished cigars globally with the Cigars Dark box of 50. First introduced to the market in 1879, they continue to meet the needs of smokers to this day.
With a name that commemorates the alluring union of the Roman General Mark Antony and Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, these panatella cigars offer a smoking experience matched to no other.
Altadis USA’s AyC Natural Dark Box Cigars are iconic machine-made cigars that are enjoyed by cigar aficionados all around the world.
They are manufactured from high-quality tobacco cultivated from Cuban seeds. Connecticut Shade, Maduro, and Java are some of the distinct aromatic wrappers available for premium Cuban tobacco. They are rolled in an all-natural Connecticut shade wrapper. A regular parejo-sized cigar features a length of 6 ¼ inches and a ring gauge of 33 ½ inches.
The panatela shape is enjoyed by cigar lovers everywhere. All types of smokers enjoy perfectly short but satisfying smoke. Made from premium tobacco, this 50-count box offers both quality and quantity.
Perfect for a pleasant and smooth smoking experience. The AyC Grenadier Dark Box Cigars are great if you are looking for mild-bodied smoke with plenty of taste. These cigars are renowned for their incredibly smooth flavor profile: both mellow and delectable at the same time.
The box contains 50 total cigars presented attractively. AyC Grenadiers Cigars Dark Box has a long-standing relationship with older cigar enthusiasts and is available nationwide at the lowest prices.
- Manufacturer: Altadis USA
- Country of construction: Puerto Rico
- Qty. per Package: Box of 50 cigars
- Wrapper: Connecticut Shade, Java, Maduro
- Filler: All-natural Cuban seed tobacco
- Strength: mild
- Shape: Panatela
- Length: 6 ¼ Inches
- Ring size: 33 ½