While strong and rich cigars are famous worldwide, there is also a large fanbase of light cigars. According to experts, people with a developed taste palate are appreciative of light cigars. A brand that has earned a reputation for making some of the best mild cigars is AyC Grenadiers Light. Its cigars are refreshing, relaxing, and light.
- Mild Strength: The mild strength of the cigars will not make you feel heavy. It will also work well with beginners who are trying cigar for the first time. Mild strength is good for concentration. It lets you focus without overwhelming you with intense flavor and smoke.
- Panatela Shape: The Panatela shape of a cigar is highly appreciated by cigar lovers everywhere. It is elegant and sleek. Panatela cigars give a uniform burn and last longer than other cigar shapes.
- Claro Wrapper: The Claro wrapper is a sign of quality when it comes to cigars. Its color and shine indicate the craftsmanship that goes into creating the wrapper. Some of the best cigars of the world have a Claro wrapper.
A pack of AyC Grenadiers will last you for a long time. Its light flavor will suit you very well after a meal as you unwind. You can get it as a gift on festive occasions as well.