Bering Cigar
There is just something about smoking a high-quality cigar that makes it appear a pretty classy and fabulous thing to do. Cigars have been associated with gentlemanly behavior due to their ability to add a sense of style to a person. However, choosing the best cigar that matches your preferences is essential; it takes the smoking experience to another level.
For many years, Bering cigars have been associated with a pleasing and appealing connoisseur due to their expertly made cigars. The top drawer construction and high-quality tobacco have seen the brand make a name for itself and amass a large following of cigar enthusiasts. These cigars are made in Honduras, blending tobacco from four different countries to develop a fine product. The rich mellow and medium-bodied flavors also add to the already existing quality, making it a top option for cigar smokers. Those who love their cigars flavored will like the Bering brand; some models have additional tasty sticks of flavors such as Irish cream, Amaretto, Vanilla, and Rum.
Hand-rolled or machine rolled cigar
Bering cigars are hand-rolled by experts who have been in the job long enough to know the dos and don’ts of rolling the perfect cigar. The end product is a perfectly constructed cigar fit to lighten any mood, whether celebratory or just chilled. The good thing about this cigar is that even with its quality, these cigars are pocket-friendly.
The Bering cigars comprise perfectly blended tobacco wrapped in a silky smooth Connecticut wrapper. These wrappers offer a redefined flavor with hints of sweetness unavailable in other tobacco brands.
Size varieties
Size varieties of these cigars include
The Bering Corona Grande
It measures 6.25 inches and has a ring gauge of 46
Bering Inmensas
This is a larger version that measures 7.12 inches and has a ring gauge of 45
Bering Plazas
The cigars have a ring gauge of 43 and measure 6 inches.
Bering cigars are high-quality cigars that you should try out.