This cigar, named after a Dutch lighthouse, has been known for decades for its fragrant aroma, luxurious feel, and signature mellow profile. The premium tobacco blend is blended by Swedish Match in Sweden and manufactured and branded by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group in Denmark, and is particularly recognized for the following aspects:
- Sweet Soothing Floral
The cigar has an aromatic mix of burley tobacco and dark Kentucky, which is quite heavy on the senses. The mix of tobacco results in a sweet fragrance and a floral taste for the smoker.
- Vanilla Berry Blast
The cigars are enhanced with the soft and pleasant taste of cherries with a hint of vanilla. In many cases, smokers can taste bits of alcohol and liquor as well.
- Extended Pleasure
The smoking experience is a pleasurable one for the senses. The smoke doesn’t bite the tongue or feels hot, provided it is smoked correctly and not hastily. Often it has an after taste that lingers around for a while.
Each pouch contains 50 gm of smoking tobacco while tins can be purchased, which have a capacity for 250gm. Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish pipe tobacco contains 50% Black Cavendish from Argentina and India, which is blended with 50% Virginia from Brazil, Argentina, and India. This rich combination makes this blend one of Borkum Riff’s finest creations.