Excalibur 1066 Dark Knight II Cigars (6 1/2 x 52) – Box of 20
Excalibur cigars have been growing in popularity for quite a long time now, producing premium cigar varieties for smokers. They produce top-quality cigars that offer a soft and smooth smile, providing you with an unmatched experience.
One of their most popular cigar varieties is the Excalibur 1066 Dark Knight II cigars. Most people don’t know this, but this cigar is an extension of the famous Hoyo de Monterrey cigar brand that was native to Honduras. This is why the cigar contains a perfect and appealing appearance.
The impeccable Dark Knight II is the newest edition of the Hoyo de Monterrey brand. It is an oily Maduro cigar that offers a satisfying and long-lasting feeling that leaves your body yearning for more. If you are a Maduro’s liver, you are surely going to fall head over heels dir this cigar.
The cigar imitates a Toro shape with a round cigar section. It comes I full strength to provide you with the relaxing feeling that you have been looking for. Additionally, it is appetizing and relieving, making it fit for an everyday smoker’s option.
One thing about the Dark Knight that makes it a cult favorite is the distribution of the flavors. They are ideally spread to every corner of the cigar, touching every corner of the cigar. This means that you will enjoy the deliciousness that comes with the cigar until your last puff.
The dark knight II is a perfectly constructed cigar. It contains tobacco selected from the finest produce from the renowned Hoyo de Monterrey tobacco fields. The binders and fillers are also perfectly arranged, something that is evident with every puff you take; the aeration is just outstanding.
- Country of origin:Honduras
- Shape: Toro
- Wrapper: Connecticut
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Honduras, Nicaragua
- Length: 6 ½
- Ring gauge: 52