Flor Del Caribe Barbados Maduro Cigars (6 1/2 X 45) – Box of 25
The art of smoking cigars has been around for a long time now, being passed down to generations. In fact, cigar smoking is associated with a manly and classy feeling, which it is.
What would be better to engage in this gentlemanly act than having a chance to smoke the outstanding Flor Del Caribe Barbados Maduro cigars? These premium cigars are manufactured with high-end prowess and experience to heighten the smoking experience for cigar enthusiasts worldwide to enjoy. The Barbados Maduro classics are medium-bodied cigars known for their unique taste and mild to medium strength. The nature of the cigar makes it suitable for smoking for both pros and newbies.
The cigar is a native of Honduras, one of the most successful tobacco-producing countries in the world. They are rolled using high-quality tobacco sorted out from the finest produce. Every tobacco leaf used to make the cigar has been carefully cultivated, aged, and matured to produce nothing but the best smoking experience. Additionally, the cigar produces a scent that is distinct and unique. It is fit to be smoked at any time or on any day.
The Barbados Maduro are hand-rolled. The rollers have received ample training and have amassed enough experience over the years, meaning that they know their way around the rolling. The final construction is a perfect cigar that is well aerated to make smoking easy and smooth. The filler and binder tobacco used are also selected carefully and the best used in the cigar. This adds to its quality, making a bargain compared to other cigars.
Every Barbados Maduro cigar box contains twenty-five cigars, each of which has a length of 6 ½ and a ring gauge of 45.
- Country of origin: Honduras
- Wrapper: Connecticut
- Filler: Honduras
- Binder: Hinduras, Nucaragua, Dominican Republic
- Strength: Mild
- Length: 6 ½
- Ring gauge:45