Flor Del Caribe St. Thomas Maduro Cigars (6 x 54) – Box of 20
Ever since the art of smoking cigars was introduced, people have been putting efforts towards developing the perfect cigar. This led to the inspiration of one of the best cigars, the Flor Del Caribe cigars.
One of the Flor Del Caribe cigar varieties is the Flor Del Caribe St. Thomas Maduro cigars. These are premium cigars that portray the true definition of quality cigars from Honduras, one of the most popular tobacco-producing companies in the world. These premium cigars are perfectly constructed to take your smoking experience to another level.
Cigar rolling has developed to become an art; you must put in the extra effort to construct a widely acceptable cigar. The St. Thomas Maduro cigars are hand-rolled by people who have been in the trade long enough to know the dos and don’ts. This means that the cigars have unmatched quality; you can feel this with every puff you take.
Moreover, St. Thomas Maduro has a unique taste and feel. The tobacco used is of high quality and spread evenly throughout the cigar. The binders and fillers are also perfectly aced to provide enough aeration for a smooth and refined smoking experience. The tobacco leaves appear darker and with the right amount of nicotine and moisture for a fine finished high-quality cigar.
The St. Thomas Maduro cigars also have several flavors, each of which is distributed throughout the wrapper and tobacco to provide a unique and splendid taste, taking your smoking experience to another level.
These cigars are stored in vintage boxes to keep them fresh for a long time. Their colors make them the ideal option to give out as gifts. Every box has twenty cigars, each containing a length of 6 inches and a ring gauge of 54.
Country of origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Connecticut
Binder: Honduras
Filler: Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Strength: mild to medium
Length: 6
Ring gauge:54