Genuine Counterfeit Cuban cigar brand is a cigar producer that produces premium, top-quality cigars. Their products speak for themselves; they are attractive and have a silky appearance. Starting the brand was hatched after the founders realized that so many cigar smokers were only accessing fake cigars without knowing, hence the name Genuine Counterfeit. They try to create an authentic “counterfeit” option for cigar enthusiasts.
One of their numerous cigar types is the Genuine Counterfeit Cuban Lonsdale Cigars. These cigars are characterized by a strong and distinct taste and an unmatched scent. The overall quality will leave even the strictest of connoisseurs amazed. For one, they have a unique Cuban-style bite that is distinct to them; additionally, the taste and smell are unmistakable, especially to those who smoke it regularly. You can light them up and enjoy top-tier smoking experiences.
The Lonsdale variety is one of the all-time best-selling drugs produced under the Genuine Counterfeit brand. In fact, the producers were looking to mimic the appearance, traits, and taste of the old pre-embargo Cuban cigars.
Just like many other top-quality cigars, the Cuban Lonsdale cigars are hand-rolled. The cigars are made using top-quality Honduran tobacco that has been aged to perfection. After attaining maturity, the cigars are wrapped using the appealing red Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper that adds to their appearance. The binder and filler tobacco is also incorporated ideally into the cigar. This ensures that the aeration of the cigar is top-tier for a smooth smoking experience.
These cigars are sold in boxes, each containing twenty-five cigars. Every Cuban Lonsdale has a length of 6 ¾ and a ring gauge of 42. The quality and size of these cigars make them worth the price.
- Country of construction: Nicaragua
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Ecuador
- Filler: Honduras Nicaraguan
- Strength: Medium-Full
- Length: 6 ¾
- Ring gauge: 42