With its root back in the 19th century, the Gispert cigar has been trusted by many people because of its quality, and it has managed to maintain its legacy. The handmade cigars are made for Honduran and Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos. They have a smooth and savory taste with a creamy and cedar-like finish that is mellow to enjoy a relaxing time when you are smoking. The elegant cigars are perfect for smoking and gifting to enjoy alone or with loved ones.
This mellow to medium-bodied cigar has a smooth taste, and they have been under supervision to ensure they deliver a high-quality cigar with a rich history behind them. Each Gispert cigar has been hand-rolled with experts so that they can maintain consistency, and they are stored well so that you can get the best quality every time.
The handmade medium-bodied profile has a silky wrapper and a tasteful mixture so that the smoker can get more flavors with the cigar. They have been made with buttery notes of white pepper, and you will also notice a hint of caramel and light cocoa with a satisfying woody finish which is smooth and creamy with each puff. The cigar is of premium quality and also has a touch of almond in the finish so that you can have a significant aftertaste when you are done smoking.
These cigars have been made in different sizes so that you can get a five-inch long Robusto or a Maduro version which you can easily enjoy from the first to the last without it losing its flavor. It offers an affordable alternative if you are looking for everyday smoke because you can light it and put it off as much as you would like without losing its taste and flavor or smooth finish. After all, it will stay consistent throughout.