H. Upmann Cigars
Cigar smoking is a culture that has existed for centuries. The act of smoking cigars is associated with being relaxed and classy. Different cigar brands have been made over the years, and among the oldest existing brand is the H. Upmann cigars.
H. Upmann is today known for its premium blends, including the Dominican and Honduran crafted blends that have a huge preference in the US market. H. Upmann cigars are known for their consistent flavour and quality, and thus, cigar enthusiast like and refer this brand to people interested in smoking cigars.
Hand Rolled or Machine Rolled
H.upmann cigars are hand-rolled are their factory using premium tobacco from the Vuelta Abuja region. They discontinued machine rolled violas in 2002 to focus on premium handcrafting of the cigars.
H. Upmann brand used a high Cameroon wrapper that contributes to its exceptional taste. In 2003 cigar aficionados containing the vintage Cameroon line was created by Blender Jose Seijas. The Cameroon line featured fully roasted nuts, sweet woody aromas, dried fruit flavour, and summed up with sweet, balanced, velvety smoke. This line contains a Nicaraguan binder wrapped around the filler blend containing long-fillers from Nicaragua, The Dominican Republic and Peru. When this binder is used with a spicy vintage Cameroon wrapper, the blend releases a smoke with sweet, floral and fruity accompanied by subtle sweet spices. The binders are firmly fitted and fillers evenly spaced, providing a smooth smoking experience.
Sizes and Varieties
This list contains several commercially sold violas under the H. Upmann brand.
Half Corona
This measures 3.5 inches (90 mm) x 44 ring gauge. Regularly referred to as petite corona.
Its Measurements is 4.3 inches (110 mm) × 35 ring gauge. The official name is Epicures; the slang name is panetela.
Corona Junior
Measurements include 4.5 inches (115 mm) × 36 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Cadetes, Also referred to as a short panetela.
Corona Minor
Measurements include 4.6 inches (117 mm) x 40 inches. Officially referred to as Coronitas also referred to as petit corona.
Connoisseur No. 1
Measurements include 5 inches (127 mm) × 48 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Hermosos No.4, its other name is corona extra.
Petit Corona
It measures 5.1 inches (129 mm) × 42 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Marevas, famously known as a petit corona (It is known as John F Kennedy’s favourite cigar)
It measures 5.1 inches (129 mm) × 42 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Petit Coronas and petit corona.
Corona Major
Measurements include 5.2 inches (132 mm) × 42 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Eminentes and referred to as a corona.
Connoisseur A
Measurements include 5.5 inches (140 mm) x 52 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Genios and a corona by cigar smokers.
It measures 5.5 inches (140 mm) × 40 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Cremas and a corona by cigar smokers.
Magnum 46
It measures 5.6 inches (143 mm) × 46 ring gauge. Officially referred to as Corona Gordas and a grand corona by cigar smokers.
Upmann No. 2
It measures 6.1 inches (156 mm) × 52 ring gauge. They are Officially referred to as Pirámides and a pyramid by cigar aficionados.
Take Away
The H. Upmann is one of the oldest and one of the best cigar brand. Its rich history and exquisite blends make among the most preferred brand by cigar lovers worldwide.