People who have been smoking cigars have for years been thought to have a high social status. But, in recent times, cigars have entered into the mainstream market, and they are no longer associated with the rich and illustrious only; they are smoked by loads of individuals across the globe. There are also quite a substantial number of cigars shop that has opened up in many places.
Moreover, there are so many cigar brands that are available these days that smokers have a daunting time picking the right cigars for themselves. Cigars are also given as gifts to many people. If you have a friend who is a cigar smoker, then choose a cigar as a gift; follow the subsequent instructions:
First of all, you need to visit a tobacco shop or an? Online cigar store in order to get the finest selection of cigars. Before picking a particular cigar, ensure that the cigar is crafted from tobacco only. These days, you will find many cigars that do not contain cent percent tobacco. If you are not sure, then ask the tobacconist or the sales representative. Depending on the type of smoker, whether he is experienced or a novice in smoking, select the cigar accordingly.
Choose the larger diameter and richer flavored cigars for expert smokers, and pick the longer ones that give a cooler smoke for beginners. Squeeze the stogie softly in order to be certain it provides a bit. Inspect properly to see if there are any soft spots or lumps, and avoid buying a cigar that is lumpy. Check the wrapper if it is drying or for any discoloration. Ensure that the wrapper is tight and smooth and has only small veins. Check the end of the cigar properly.
Make certain the tobacco is consistently colored. Severe tobacco discoloration could cause an uneven burn and unpleasant flavor. If the receiver likes cigarillos, then you can find many cigarillos online at good prices. You could think of including an ashtray or cigar cutter with the cigars to gift to someone. Also, think of buying a humidor along with the cigars. The humidor will maintain the cigars for a long time. With the above tips, you surely will find the? Perfect cigar gift.
Gifting Cigars and Cigar Accessories