Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans Maduro Cigars
The inspiring blend of fully-aged long-fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic make a fascinating cigar named Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans Maduro Cigar. These cigars are specially for Cuban lovers as Cuban seeds play a significant role in making these cigars. These are grown in Honduran with a unique and traditional Habana style.
The tobacco of four different countries set its standard high in taste and deliciousness. These four are; a soft Connecticut Shade binder, a Maduro Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a savory combination of Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan tobaccos. It tastes intense and seems a tranquilizer for stressed and depressed people who love to smoke cigars.
Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans Maduro Cigar is well-known for its earthy taste with a balanced amount of spices and perfect aroma that leaves a sense of peace in the heart and relaxes the mind for a while.
The nostalgic smoke with tradition-grown Honduran tobaccos makes Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans Maduro Cigar super special. It has an easy and long-lasting draw even it is medium to full strength and contains full-bodied tobacco. It stays for long with a consistency of flavor that seems a blend of mellow, coffee, tobacco, and much more in taste. The sweetness and bitterness conflict in the flavor seamlessly super exciting for cigar lovers.
The reminiscing presence of Cuban seeds planted in soil matches with no other taste than the traditional taste of Dominican Republic cigars. The thick, eye-catchy, and appealing Maduro Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper excites every cigar lover to try out soon. It provides you everything that gives you ultimate satisfaction with a cigar.
Bullet Points
- ORIGIN: Honduras
- FILLER: Dominican Republic/Honduras/Nicaragua
- STRENGTH: Medium to Full
- COLOR: Natural
- LENGTH x RING SIZE: 7 1/4 x 52
- WRAPPER TYPE: Connecticut Broadleaf / Ecuador Sumatra
- BINDER: Connecticut Broadleaf / Connecticut Shade
- QUANTITY: Box of 25