John T's
John T
A fine cigar often symbolizes a refined and fulfilled life. Unlike vapes and cigarettes, there is just something about cigars that associates them with class and style.
Whether you are on a round of golf, at a wedding, or celebrating an occasion, a quality cigar will always light up the moment. However, to get the most out of this manliness behavior, you need to choose the best quality cigars.
Made in the Dominican Republic, John T is a cigar that has been perfectly blended and prepared with premium cigar leaf and tobacco.
The cigar defines the premium Dominican cigar heritage with its iconic mild profile, consistency, and unmatched quality. They are made of aromatic pipe tobacco with the head dipped in Dominican rum and honey.
They come with various flavors to choose from; chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, peach whiskey, and rum. Their petite size and texture take the cigar-smoking experience to another level; a first try will have you wanting to smoke the cigar anywhere.
Hand-rolled or machine-rolled?
The John Ts cigar is hand-rolled with attention to detail in mind. The rolling is done from well-aged Cuban seed tobacco leaves that always thrive well in the fertile soils of the Dominican Republic, where the product is of high quality.
The first John Ts cigar to be rolled was inspired by the urge to combine super deluxe pipe tobacco with the perfected art of rolling cigars perfected by the founding family. And ever since, the cigar has risen above the ranks to become one of cigar enthusiasts' favorites.
The John Ts cigars have medium to dark brown wrappers that give them an attractive look and feel. In addition, the sugared tips blend perfectly with the cigar, making it an enjoyable smoke for you.
The wrapper also has few to zero blemishes and properly wraps the cigar. It also has an earthy flavor and feels cultivated carefully to provide optimal taste and heighten the experience.
Size Variety
There are different types of John Ts cigars. They include
- The John Ts Cherry Cream
The Cherry Cream cigars are 5 1/2-inch-sized cigars that come in a box of twenty cigars each.
- The John Ts Cappuccino
The John Ts Cappuccino cigars have 5 1/2 by 38-inch sizes, each box containing twenty cigars.
- The John Ts Cafe Ole
These are crowd-pleaser cigars that are usually packed in a box of twenty cigars each. Every cigar measures 5 1/2 inches by 38.
- The John Ts Amaretto
It has an Amaretto flavor. Just like the others, the boxes are packed with 5 1/2-inch 20 cigars.
Yes, choosing a favorite cigar among the tons of options available can be pretty hectic. It is all about preferences, size, shape, and budget.
However, the John Ts cigars can be a perfect pick; the luxurious smoke has everything you are looking for. Made from the finest Tobacco in the Dominican Republic, the smooth smoking experience is unmatched. Try it out today and see for yourself.