Assembled by El Credito Cigar Company, and created by Ernesto Carrillo, the La Gloria Cubana cigar brand is now made exclusively for General Cigar, a subsidiary of Swedish Match.
These cigars are one of El Credito Cigar Factory’s top-selling contributions. The La Gloria Cubana Serie R shows off an amazing spiciness and a powerful, refined flavor, which comes from a proprietary blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos.
The Serie R cigar line is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic with a blend of Nicaraguan ligero and Dominican Olor filler tobaccos that have evolved for several years longer than those from this line’s original blend, which makes these cigars more powerful and healthy, yet smooth, and savory.
Finished with either an oily Ecuador Sumatra or a generous Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrapper, which add to the adventurous yet very mellow flavors and underlying hints of spice. Their larger ring gauges, as well as complexity, easy draw, and long finish defines these cigars. The veteran smoker will find these cigars a real delight.
The La Gloria Cubana Serie R cigars come packed in a beautiful dark mahogany, cabinet-style box and are sure to make a smokers wish list.