Swisher International are renowned for their famous Swisher Sweets cigar line created Miramar Cigars in Belgium. Swisher International is the world’s biggest cigar firm in the number of units sold.
The Miramar cigars are of a size similar to that of cigarillos. They are made of natural tobaccos and are flavored with the creamy, rich essence of the finest flavors in order to give a slightly sweet and smooth smoke.
These wonderful cigars are available in delightful flavors like natural, espresso, vanilla, and chocolate. Indonesian wrapper is used to make these cigars. You can now procure these exceptional quality cigars at Windy City Cigars. So what are you waiting for?
Buy the Miramar Cigars – one of the best Belgium-made cigars at WindyCityCigars.com and all you have to do is just sit, relax and enjoy these cigars.