Nat Sherman Cigars
Everything about cigars is glorious; the preparation, rolling, packaging, cutting, lighting, and smoking. Along with brown liquor, BBQs, and martinis, cigars are a staple of manliness. It is the ultimate way to celebrate or commemorate an occasion such as having a baby, getting married, or even when you want to relax. However, everyone has their own preferences, and selecting one that will stick with you for years can be a daunting task.
Nat Sherman cigars have been in the game for quite a long time now. Since their introduction in 1930, cigars were the second fiddle of the manufacturing company’s luxurious cigarettes. The brand has risen among the ranks to claim a position among the top Dominican cigar master classes. Even the look and feels have been changing over time; the cigar is always well constructed. It is noticeable through their catchy logo of black writing on a creamy background.
Hand-rolled or a machine rolled
The Nat Sherman cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic by a famous cigar family known as the Quesada family. It is a vintage combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan cigar heritages, producing cigars that allow for the epitome of a smoking experience.
The Nat Sherman specials are made of the finest Nicaraguan filler tobacco, rolled using high-quality, silky, Connecticut wrappers. They are smooth and oily, offering a smoke that is creamy and enjoyable. The wrapper has a dark brown color, lightly packed with small veins visible. It also assumes a dusty paper bag texture with tight seems.
Size varieties
There are different varieties of the Nat Sherman;
The Nat Sherman Timeless Dominican
This cigar has a 6.25-inch length and a ring gauge of 52.
Nat Sherman Harrington
This one measures 6 inches with a ring gauge of 46.
Nat Sherman Epoca
Its dimensions are a ring gauge of 50 and a 6-inch length.
Take away
Nat Sherman cigars offer you the best of the smoking experiences. You can choose among the options basing your choice on the strength and flavors or sizes. Despite your choice, you are guaranteed a fine smoking experience.