Parodi Kings Maduro cigars are dry-cured, machine-made cigars blended with 100% American-grown tobaccos from Tennessee and Kentucky. The blend of leaves includes not less than three different crop years, which contributes to the medium-bodied flavor of Parodi Cigars.
The Parodi Cigars have been a popular choice across the world for over a century now because of their premium quality. Ever since 1913, Parodi King Cigars have impressed its patrons and gained a large fan following. Its cigars are medium-bodied and well crafted. They fulfill every criterion required for a premium cigar.
- Tennessee and Kentucky Tobacco: The mixture of Tennessee and Kentucky Tobacco is an interesting choice. They both taste very well together. Tennessee Tobacco has sweet and vanilla flavors, and Kentucky Tobacco has spicy undertones. Together they both work brilliantly.
- Medium Bodied: The Parodi Cigars are medium-bodied. They are neither too strong nor too mild. You can change their intensity depending upon how much you burn them or how you smoke them. Medium Bodied cigars have a reputation for being highly versatile.
- Moderately Priced: A box of 50 cigars is an expensive business. However, the Parodi Kings Cigars are priced at a reasonable rate. They are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive product in the market. They are moderately priced.
The Parodi Cigars are best enjoyed with a glass of whiskey and scotch. They are relaxing and help you get in a soothing zone. These cigars can also be given as gifts on all celebratory occasions.