Private Stock Cigars
The Private Stock Cigars are a product of the Davidoff Factory in the Dominican Republic. They are made from ungraded tobacco leaves, and this distinguishes them from all other Davidoff cigars. This process lowers their marker price, making the brand more affordable.
Hand-rolled or Machine-rolled
The Private Stock cigars have been rolled by hand to perfection. The artisans use the right amount of pressure to roll these cigars. Hence you enjoy a smooth and even burn from beginning to end.
This brand used two kinds of wrappers; the silky Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade and the chocolatey Maduro Wrapper. The Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper has creamy, peppery, and cedar tastes. And the Maduro wrapper has chocolate, espresso, and a tinge of pepper. Both are great options.
Size varieties
Here are some of the varieties under the Private Stock Cigar brand:
Private stock #1
This type consists of 25 cigars with measurements of 7 ¾ inches long and 48 ring gauge. They originate from the Dominican Republic with a regular shape. They are mellow-medium-bodied with the Connecticut wrapper.
Private Stock #14 Natural
They also come in a package containing 25 cigars with measurements of 6 ½ by 50 ring gauge. They come from the Dominican Republic in a regular cigar shape. Then deliver a mellow-medium-bodied strength, and the wrapper is a Connecticut one.
Private Stock #5
The diameter of one cigar is 43 inches, and it has a length of 5 ¾ inches. They also originate from the Dominican Republic in a regular shape. Hela also delivered a mellow-medium-bodied strength and wrapped using the Connecticut wrapper.
Bottom Line
Private Stock cigars may be made using ungraded tobacco, but that does not steal away the bliss they bring you as you puff. The cigars offer a clean, creamy, peppery, and enticing taste that resonates as you puff.