La Flor Dominicana features premium cigars that were initiated in the year 2003 in the Dominican Republic. LFD cigars are famous for being strong and dark in flavor and for being one of the most robust Dominican cigars available in the market these days.
La Flor Dominicana Cigars are made with a blend that comprises of twice the quantity of ligero. They are full-flavored and are characteristically spicy and rich. They are made of a dark, nice Maduro wrapper or silky light brown wrapper.
This is a cigar brand, which will please your palate with its bold flavors of coffee and wood supplemented by a slow burn, sweet spice and an impressive finish.
To put the La Flor Dominicana Cigars in one word, they are simply “splendid”.
They are available in a wide range of blends including the La Flor Dominicana Gran Maduro, La Flor Dominicana Daiquiri, La Flor Dominicana Ligero and La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero.