It is imperative to select an appropriate drink to go with a premium cigar like the Gurkha Cigars and in particular with a full and medium flavored cigar. On the other hand, cigars that are strong subdue light drinks like light beer or margarita. Though, a beer works well with mild cigars. The following drinks list was composed to go along with a cigar. And these drinks improve the flavor of mild cigars and won’t be overwhelmed by full-flavored cigars.
1. Coffee:
There are numerous variants and categories of coffee beverages, comprising non-alcoholic ones as well (for example Café Mocha, Cuban Coffee, Cappuccino, and Café con Leche). Then again, they are all grouped in this one set. If you want to try one, we would suggest going for Irish Cream Coffee. Not only does it taste terrific, but also will hugely improve your experience of smoking cigars. It is simply yummy!
2. Port Wine – LBV:
There are lots of diverse brands and kinds of ports. Irrespective of the make, the LBV (or Late Bottled Vintage) actually is really wonderful with cigars. And Vintage Port is all the better despite being more costly, won’t last for more time after it is opened, and has to be correctly poured before it is served. Port is believed to be red wine and also comprises brandy and is produced in Portugal. Its taste is sweet and is great with a fine cigar like OHM Filtered Cigars.
3. Kahlua:
The Kahlua drinks are really great with cigars. Moreover, there are several alternatives, like Nutty Irishman, Mud Slide, and Black Russian. To propose only one, try to smoke with White Russian that comprises Kahlua, Cream, and Vodka.
4. Scotch:
A lot of people think scotch is the finest drink to go along with any cigar, specifically single malt. Scotch when taken just neat or straight, won’t be overwhelmed by a cigar that is strong. On the other hand, scotch can be a developed taste just like certain cigars that are full flavored.
5. Stinger:
The cocktail Stinger which is a blend of brandy and crème de menthe is thought to be a classic by some people. Instead of using brandy, some people use vodka. And this cocktail is taken with cigars in many places.
6. Martini:
These days, Martinis are available in lots of different flavors such as Lychee, Blueberry, Ginger Martini, Pink Grapefruit, Lime Martini, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate, Cranberry, Green Apple, etc., but the main common thing among them is that they have scores of alcohol and is a great accompaniment with cigars that are full flavored.
7. IPA (India Pale Ale):
Drinkers of Beer must generally combine their favorite beer with mild cigars, but IPA can go together with virtually any cigar, also full-flavored ones. There are very few beers that are not overpowered by a cigar, but the India Pale Ale goes along with cigars such as the acid cigars perfectly.
There are many other alcoholic drinks that can complement a cigar, but the above are the best ones!