Villa Dominicana Churchill Cigars
Villa Dominicana Churchill Cigars offer a medium profile for your smoking indulgence. These Churchill shaped cigars are 7 inches long with a Maduro wrapper to elevate the flavor. Non-flavored, they deliver the most authentic taste of the Dominican Republic tobacco, which these cigars are composed of.
Smooth Taste
Due to such a brilliant selection of the ingredients from the body to the fillers, it offers a smooth taste with its mild flavoring. Smoke is creamy, dense, and ideal for any smoker without causing any burn. There isn’t the use of excessive chemicals. The oil of the cigar’s body is rich in offering a steady burn during smoking.
Each cigar is handmade to retain the impeccable balance in taste and authenticity. Despite being hand-crafted, they have highly economical pricing for your smoking pleasures. It offers a dark and classic taste with the buttery texture of smoke without any additional flavor or fillers.
All-natural with minimal to no chemical inducement, each box brings you 25 Churchill shaped cigars. With our offer, you can grab around 50 boxes at a highly competitive price. These cigars are known for being a great bargain. So order it today and enjoy the fantastic smoking leisure.