A Gentleman’s Guide to Buying Cigars


Most people think of cigars as a thing that is sometimes enjoyed or on some particular occasions only. Very often, there are times when individuals smoke cigars when they are a part of a group that is enjoying specific cigars such as Punch Cigars. On such an occasion, you like to be the odd one out in the smoking-room. There is nothing more enjoyable than spending your time outdoors during summers and lighting up your favorite stogie and appreciating the smoke. But wait, to enjoy a cigar, you first must understand the basics of purchasing a cigar. So, our motive here is to gain some knowledge on how to buy the right cigar.

The Basics

While purchasing Oliva Cigars or rather any cigar, there are three key things to consider: the origin of the cigar, the size of the cigar, and the strength of the cigar. It is a fact that some swankier smokers would also consider flavor, but whichever cigar you select, the taste will predominantly depend on the tobacco from which it is produced.


How the cigar will taste is principally related to the place where the cigar is formulated. One more impact the cigar’s origin has is on the attributes you will note while smoking a cigar. At present, there are a lot of places across the globe that produce superior cigars. The most familiar and most commonly available cigars in the USA are from Honduras, Brazil, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the USA. All of these areas yield cigars that are believed to be elite. The prime factor that differentiates cigar from a particular region from another is soil and how tobacco is developed before being harvested. This is the reason why cigars from a specific area taste better than other places. The climate influences the cultivation of tobacco.


The cigars’ size is essential also. The size determines the amount of tobacco used to produce it, the type of flavor that will be given out, and the amount of time the cigar will take to be smoked. Please select the size of the cigar that is most suitable to the circumstances you will like it. By and large, there are ten main sizes of cigars. And the list is below:


Panatela 6 26 to 8

Petit Corona 5 40 to 44

Corona 5 to 5 40 to 44

Lonsdale 6 40 to 44

Robusto 4 to 5 48 to 52

Belicoso 5 to 6 49 to 54

Toro 6 50

Torpedo 6 50 to 52

Churchill 7 46 to 50

Double Corona 7-8 47-52


Virtually none of the cigars will have information regarding its power. Therefore, you don’t have any option but to depend on the cigar shop assistant to help you provide information on the cigar’s strength. But as a rule, a cigar that is darker in color is believed to be more potent than a cigar that is lighter in color. If you are a newbie, find out an online cigar store that has cigars for sale. This way, you will develop a taste for cigars.

Windy City Cigars