Acid Cigars – Perfect For Beginners

Acid Cigars For Beginners
Are you new to cigar smoking? Just learning the ins and outs of purchasing, smoking, and recommending cigars? Cigar Advisor, one of the leading online cigar publications, has the following tips to help you out. Managing editor John Pullo states, “Your first cigar is one you’ll always remember.” John has just released a list of the top premium cigars for those new to the cigar-smoking hobby, which has endorsed one specific premium brand known as Acid Cigars. As a cigar novice walking into a cigar shop can be overwhelming and intimidating both. Many newbies face the same problem of wanting to get into the cigar world and make it a memorable experience, but do not know where to start. Here are three easy tips to help the beginner make the right choice when starting.
  • Ask a Cigar Expert – Several online tobacco and cigar websites can assist with questions and steer you in the right direction. Ask these experts, or even a friend (make sure they are genuine experts), and ask them general questions, and they can help you narrow down the list and select a starter cigar that you will genuinely enjoy.
  • Start With a Connecticut Wrapper – Most of these wrappers are grown in the U.S. and Ecuador and make for a good starting point.
  • Try More Than One – To avoid a lackluster first experience, try tasting several notes on ten or more cigars.
If you are jumping right into the world of premium cigars it’s essential to have a good, positive smoking experience the first time around. This will lead to more cigars, experimentation, and enjoying the cigar smoking experience as a whole. Just remember not to get discouraged and to keep trying different cigars until you find the right cigar for you. Among Cigar Advisor’s picks for top starter cigars, we recommend the premium brand Acid Kuba Kuba cigars. As John states, “Some people end up liking this cigar so much, they stick with it forever.” Acid cigars were among the first cigars to be embraced by smokers worldwide, becoming the standard for not-your-standard cigars. Acid Kuba Kuba (so good they named it twice) was the leading choice among infused cigars. They have a unique taste derived from the Drew Estate stock, conveying a flavor and aroma via a botanical mixture made up of over 140 herbs and oils. It is a mild to medium cigar that’s easy to smoke, making it one of the best starter cigars around.

Original price was: $222.50.Current price is: $200.15.
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Original price was: $107.00.Current price is: $104.15.
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Original price was: $140.68.Current price is: $127.00.
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Acid Cigars

Acid Sampler Tin 14

Original price was: $93.99.Current price is: $71.40.
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Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $174.42.
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Acid Cigars Specifications

  • Strength: Mild
  • Shape: Robusto
  • Size: 5 x 54
  • Country: Nicaragua
  • Color: Natural
  • Wrapper Origin: Indonesian
  • Wrapper Leaf: Sumatra
Windy City Cigars