Enjoy a fine blend Cuban cigar as you relax after a long day. The finesse of the construct ensures a rich flavor. It has its unique charm as it has been handcrafted in Danli, Honduras. These fine blend cigars are unique, smooth, and exquisite in taste.
- Quality Tobacco: These cigars comprise of dark and thick leaves with apt moisture for fermentation that makes it a premium choice. This ensures the smoothness and exquisite taste of the tobacco. The rich oil and the quality of the tobacco improves the overall profile of the cigar.
- Tasteful Combustion: The cigar will burn uniformly for an extensive time frame. These cigars offer stable combustion because of the handcrafted package. This ensures good long drag without a difference in taste. The smoke will be perfectly balanced not to hurt the throat during the drags. Thus, offering a mild smoking experience.
- Premium Choice: The rich texture, deep color, and classic aroma make these cigars one of a kind, your premium choice. It fits every occasion and is exactly what you need when you are looking to smoke in peace, all by yourself.
Each pack of these cigars has 25 sticks, each crafted to provide a relaxing and rejuvenating smoking experience. Great quality meets authentic handcrafted expertise making Arec Bradley Spirit of Cuba cigars a memorable experience.
Alec Bradley Spirit of Cuba Cigars are crafted in the traditional Cuban sandwich style, ensuring a nice, slow burn and easy draw. These savory sticks are woody, spicy, and rich.