This is a pack of top-quality cigars with a prestigious aura. The fine taste is blended with the strong character of the cigar. Emitting a marvelous aroma, this is a balanced and consistent cigar with several appealing features for passionate smokers.
- Smooth Drags
The flawless drags of this cigar let you relish your smoking experience wholly. Its suave drags allow you to cherish the impeccable flavor of the cigar and feel its euphoric demeanor.
- Vintage Touch
Prepared using traditional methods and recipes, this cigar has an old-style tinge to its fresh savor. All the pieces are hand-made to proffer you the best experience of smoking with affluence. A companion to your style statement, these cigars offer an iconic smoking experience.
- Seamless Burning
The soothing nature of this cigar is supported by its tasteful combustion that lets you enjoy the ecstasy of the strong yet even drags.
- Hand-Made
The blend in the cigar becomes even more immaculate through its diligent preparation. Carefully manufactured, these cigars carry an alluring aroma thanks to the finest quality Dominican tobacco embedded in it.
Avail this distinctive pack of 25 classic cigars with immense superiority in taste and feel.
Ashton Churchill Cigars are made with a finely aged Dominican fillers which are rolled into dense, easy-to-light, smooth-drawing cigars.