Following over a century-old tradition, Antonio y Cleopatra cigars retain dominance as premium cigars across the world. Packed with mild Cuban seeds, they offer a mild taste, mellow strength, and rich flavor.
Class Statement
Ayc Grenadier Cigar is a statement of class and sophistication among smoking aficionados. The grenadier series is a signature of AyC with limited sizes and flavors curated to perfection by following traditional methodologies.
Dark Mild
The dark flavor offers a mild taste with uniform combustion. Each cigar is packed with light nicotine to prevent any addition. It has a perfectly balanced taste due to Cuban Seeds Tobacco which is unmatched. Fermented for years and preserved with accurate humidity, it offers a perfect drag.
Fine Construct
The tobacco is well-fermented and packed inside the cigar to offer finesse. It has great ash holding capacity of around one inch. The drags are smooth, and the wrappers are natural. Durable yet delicate to burn uniformly, a single box offers six premium cigars that you can smoke without humidification. So while it is certainly a symbol of class and authenticity, it still maintains high affordability.
Antonio y Cleopatra Grenadiers Cigars have been enjoyed since 1879. Over 100 years later, this well-known brand continues to produce quality cigars, offering them at a fraction of the price of other cigar brands. Machine made in Cayey, Puerto Rico, These cigars offer fresh, mild taste and body of Cuban seed mixed fillers.