Every connoisseur’s prime choice, this affordable cigar, is augmented with flavor. Embracing an age-old recipe, this cigar offers a perfect taste of the finest Cuban seed tobacco. Here are certain features of this rewarding pack of cigars.
Fantastic Construction
Diligently handcrafted, this cigar offers you an eminent experience of smoking. The design of the cigar allows a fine hold of it. The longer combustion allows you to relish the palate to the fullest. Providing smooth drags, this cigar offers an immaculate experience.
Mild Tasting Notes
The mild-built of the cigar offers you a peaceful smoking experience. Gradually making you high, the cigar is not too harsh on your palate. This balanced process gives the cigar an aromatic tint.
Distinct Value
For its efficient pricing, the cigar offers a flavorful taste. While you enjoy a traditional recipe of Cuban tobacco seeds, these cigars let you release your stress after a tiresome day. This premium-grade cigar arrives in different tastes and sizes to cater to your senses excellently. Being your perfect companion, the cigar can be bought in Minis, Corona, Whiffs, Light, and Dark. Appease your taste buds with these diligently fermented cigars that assure you a feeling of comfort and tranquility.
Antonio y Cleopatra Grenadiers Cigars are popular sellers here at Windy City Cigars. This cigar manufacturer has a long history of making quality cigars going back to the 1800s. They use fine Cuban seed tobacco that provides a mild taste that is not too harsh on your palate. You can get Antonio y Cleopatra Grenadiers Cigars also come in a number of great tasting flavors and sizes: Minis, Corona, Whiffs, Light, and Dark.