Backwoods Honey Cigars are made from all-natural tobacco with no homogenized components.
A unique blend of completely natural components, this pack of cigars is a commendable one. It features honey cigars with a mix of tangy and sweet tastes. While giving you a classic high, these honey cigars add a sense of class to your style.
Wholly Natural Tobacco
To give you real taste and pleasure, these cigars are made entirely with natural components. Flattering your palate, these cigars do not contain any homogenized elements.
A Fulfilled Pack
The package is satisfactory not only in terms of taste but also in quantity. Whether it is for a respite with peers or leisure time by yourself, this pack satisfies your needs with an impeccable flavor.
Natural Wrap
Each modish cigar is gracefully wrapped with a natural wrapper to complete the essence and impact of smoking. Providing you with a fine hold of the cigar, the natural wrap gently embraces the natural tobacco, adding to your statement and feel.
Chic Aroma
This delightful cigar emits a classic and tasteful aroma, providing you with an extraordinary experience of smoking. The mild taste stupendously blends with an appealing fragrance.
This efficient pack arrives in the size of 41/8 * 27. Diligently composed in Puerto Rico, this honey cigar is one of a kind in all aspects.
Quantity: 8 Packs of 5