Finding the ideal cigar to ignite for your first whiff might be intimidating, despite the fact that variety is generally a wonderful thing. It’s vital to enjoy a pleasant first cigar-smoking trip if you’re just exploring the realm of luxury cigars. This will encourage smoking more cigars, experimenting, and merely relishing the cigar-smoking sensation. Simply keep trying new cigars before you discover the one that suits you best and tries not to become frustrated.
1. Arturo Fuente Double Chateau Fuente Natural Cigars
The Arturo Fuente Natural Double Chateau cigars feature excellent structure since they are handcrafted, which improves the value ratio. This Churchill offers incredible smoking pleasure and the smoothness of it is for those leisurely moments outside owing to the rich blend of high-quality ingredients. The Fuentes gives a magnificent scent and taste. Using the ideal ratio of premium tobacco, including Dominican tobacco for both the binder and filler.
This is a 6.75-inch medium-bodied cigar that has a natural Connecticut wrapping and Dominican Republic tobacco filler. It’s a reliable option for regular use and a wonderful way to enjoy a traditional natural wrapper. Among the most flavorful and high-quality cigars on the marketplace, it has a pleasant and mild taste and a smooth sensation on the fingers, which is not only loved by beginners but also experienced smokers. Each moment you inhale it, you’ll catch up on subtle nutty undertones and spice flavors. They are also affordable and of excellent quality.
2. Acid Cigars
Acid cigars are rolled in a variety of wrapper leaves, namely Cameroon, Connecticut, Candela, Sumatra, Maduro, and Natural, with Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos. These fragrant cigars stand apart from other flavored cigars because they are blended with the purest herbs and natural extracts and are famous for their unorthodox taste and smoothness. Most folk’s exposure to the realm of cigars began with Acid. Jonathan Drew, who created them, is far from typical.
Critics praised his innovative concept of flavored cigars, and now it is the most recognized blended brand available on the market. These cigars were one of the earliest to catch on with smokers all around the globe, setting the bar for unconventional cigars.
3. The Macanudo Café Cigars
The Macanudo Café is America’s chart-topping luxury cigar, and it’s easy to see why. Macanudo’s legendary popularity stems from an effortless flow and a superb Connecticut shade wrapper, and it’s practically a must for a novice smoker’s introduction. It is a mellow cigar with an exceptional taste and smoothness and is suited for just everybody.
The café has received multiple assessments from the market that average 90+ ratings and is aromatic, smooth, and pleasant to smoke. What’s best? It is the ideal cigar for smoking and sharing among everyone at the party because of its accessible and delightful nature for novices and its taste and richness that provide a luxury smoking sensation for enthusiasts.
4. Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars
The 5.5 inched medium strength cigar is famous for its superior quality, smoothness, and great value. The Romeo Y Julieta will give you a lot of smoke and will flavor like tobacco, almonds, and wood. It gives you a smooth and velvety feeling when held with fingers owing to their premium Ecuadorian Connecticut wrappers.
These magnificent wrappers possess a thick, buttery feel and are cultivated in the shade. The filler is a carefully selected composition of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco that burn little by little and have a pleasing fragrance. The tobacco within every cigar blend provides a rich smoke with a woodsy and nutty taste. These medium-bodied cigars go well with black rums like Kraken or Ron Zacapa. This is certainly a wonderful pick for a cigar newbie.
5. Gisbert Cigars
Gispert cigars, a long-time classic amongst elite smokers, are handcrafted in Honduras with a golden brown Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper over a finely matured combination of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos. Gispert is among the finest hits for your money, and it’s simple to get started because of its smoothness.
These mild-to-medium-bodied cigars are full of flavor, inexpensive, and smooth, with a toasty flavor owing to the premium tobaccos used within. It offers smokers with smooth and velvety consistency, as well as medium-bodied aromas of cocoa, sweet spice, toasted almond, and cedar, making it distinct from numerous other brands. Boasting a historic heritage dating up to 19th century Cuba, you can dependably enjoy unmatched quality, exceptional craftsmanship, and a leisurely razor-sharp burning.
6. Ashton Churchill Cigars
The Ashton Churchill is the criterion against which every contemporary mellow cigar is measured. This cigar is nutty and smooth, featuring a sun-kissed Connecticut shade wrapper. It is among the finest highly regarded cigars of the Ashton range, with seasoned Dominican tobaccos and immaculate workmanship.
This is a premium box of high-quality cigars. The excellent flavor is combined with the cigar’s powerful flavor. This is a consistent and reliable cigar with various enticing aspects for devoted smokers, delivering a magnificent scent. The 7.5-inched Ashton Churchill is an excellent choice for the novice who wants to enjoy a lengthy, fat cigar. It’s spicy, but again not terribly complicated, and it’s perfect for a few hours of smoking.
7. Ashton Cabinet No. 7 Cigars
#7 Ashton Cabinet Cigars are handcrafted with well-aged Dominican fillers and rolled into thick, incredibly simple-to-use cigars consisting of a smooth flow. The Ashton Cabinet No. 7 is a Toro-sized cigar from this opulent brand. This combination has been matured for seven years, including the mix of six premium Dominican tobaccos matured for 4 – 5 years and the mild Connecticut shade leaf wrapper aged for an extra season.
This sophisticated mix is light in body, with aromas of chocolate, spice, and caffeine, giving it smoothness, a mellow flavor, and great smoke. Cigar Aficionado gave it a score of 90. This cigar is essential for every novice smoker. And there we have it, our top 7 picks of best cigars for beginners. There are no one-taste-for-all cigars so you should try one from different brands to fit your liking.