In contrast to cigarettes which are used for daily smoking, cigars are normally lit up by people on special occasions. Cigars are not cheap, a single piece of quality cigar normally costs than a whole packet of cigarettes. You can get Best Cigar Deals online or you can go to your local Brick and Mortar store or you can also buy wholesale cigars if you are a Cigar aficionado. Wherever you buy your cigar from, the following cigar buying guide will help you to purchase the perfect cigar for you:
1. If you do not have any experience of smoking cigars, it will be a good idea to begin with smaller cigar sizes like a Petit Corona or a Corona. You will require to build up a taste for them prior to adopting to the larger ones. Cigar flavors are wide-ranging like oscuro and maduro (very rich), colorado (moderate) and claro (mild). A novice should begin with a milder flavor. One of the ways to identify the flavor of a cigar is by observing the wrapper. Rich flavors have dark wrappers and vice versa. You could also buy a Discount Cigar initially.
2. Ensure that the cigars are fresh. Examine the cigars well before purchasing them. Observe the color of each and every cigar in the box. They all must be the same and if a few of them are discolored, it is an indication that they might not be fresh. Also pinch them between your fingers, and they have to be tender. If they are hard, then it also means they are not fresh.
3. Do not hurry into buying the entire box or Cheap Cigar Bundles just for the reason that you like the smell or the way they look or because you like their box. It is better to purchase about three of them initially to know how they actually taste. The area where cigars are made influences their taste. For instance, cigars made in Honduras are completely different from those made in Nicaragua.
4. Study cigar smoking etiquette. A novice cigar smoker can easily be identified. This involves actions such as grasping a cigar between index finger and middle finger when drawing or requesting for a light from somebody. According to rules of smoking cigars, both these actions are considered negative. Cigar etiquettes also include prescripts such as not chewing on the cigar and smoking cigar. Furthermore, there are many more etiquettes than those stated here.
5. Purchase a Humidor. If you really want to truly enjoy smoking a cigar, it has to remain fresh and shouldn’t be let to dry. To retain freshness, they should be stored at a specific humidity and temperature. And this can be done by using a humidor. Humidors are available in various sizes but you require a travel or personal humidor. They have hygrometers for supervising the humidity levels.
6. Aim to light your cigar using a wooden match. Don’t use Zippo lighters or wax matches to light your cigar because they will give a chemical taste to the cigar and gives a negative smoking experience. No matter what you use, allow it to burn for some time before you bring it near to the tip of the cigar. Regarding cutters, the best one is a double-blade guillotine cutter as it makes the cleanest cut.
7. Size does matter. Longer cigars take longer time to finish meaning that you can enjoy your smoke for more time. Longer and wider cigars normally have cool smoke because it takes the smoke more time to reach your mouth.
8. Be cautious of fake Cuban cigars. Real Cuban cigars are not cheap because it takes plenty of risk to bring them to the U.S. as they are illegal in the U.S. So the most of the ones offered are imitations. Cuban cigars are also expensive because they are famous as well. Therefore, beware of fake ones and scrutinize them properly before buying cigars online or from other sources.
How to Buy Cigars Online