There are numerous reasons why Punch cigars are one of the most trusted names in the cigar industry. Three that come to mind are Craftsmanship, Quality, and Passion. While so many things have changed in Cuba these last few years one thing that is still the same is Punch cigar’s commitment to producing the best cigars on the planet.
If you can get to an official Casa del Habano franchise or one of the certified Habano Specialists, please do as the Punch Punch 48 cigar has made its way to these fine establishments.
The Cuban cigar factories call this cigar the Hermosos No. 3 but for the rest of us, it’s the Punch Punch 48 cigar. It measures 5 inches long with a 48-ring gauge and it’s the first to wear the newly designed secondary band. This shows it’s an exclusive cigar for both Habanos Specialists and Casas del Habano.
What’s the main difference? Casas del Habano is directly franchised and has a contractual agreement with Habanos. The contract requires the shops to maintain specific standards. A Habanos Specialist, however, is an independent retailer and not contractually bound to Habanos, because the program is appointed by local distributors. The logos for both are printed on the new band.
Originally slated for 2016, the Punch Punch 48 cigar didn’t make it to any major retailers until last month. The cigars come in beautiful varnished boxes with 10 cigars each. Prices vary around the world and in Mexico, for example, the Punch cigar runs $26 per stick, while it will cost 15.50 Swiss Francs (about $15.40) at a Casa del Habano in Switzerland, and in Hong Kong, it goes for HK$273 (about $34).