Cohiba Cigars are produced in the Dominican Republic and were revised in the 1990s. Cigar smokers tend to think Cohiba cigars are Cuban cigars because the brand Cohiba is associated with Cuba. However, these cigars do not contain any Cuban tobacco and, therefore can be legally sold in America.
These cigars are made from dark, rich African Cameroon wrappers and flavorful and supple Indonesian Jember binders. Cameroon wrappers were selected to give a natural sweetness.
To complement the rich wrapper, long-aged Piloto Cubano fillers from the Dominican Republic are used to give a rightly balanced smooth and creamy smoke.
These cigars, just like Black and Mild, do cost a little more than some of the other cigars but are preferred by Cigar devotees because of their rich flavor, medium body, aroma, and smooth taste.
This Dominican cigar is a basic among Cigar admirers in the U.S. and all over the world. These cigars have various lines, including the Cohiba Churchill Cigars, Cohiba Lonsdale Grande Cigars, Cohiba Pequenos, and others.
Check This article For Cohiba Cigars.