Cigars have been a part of our pop culture for a long time. Cuban cigars, in particular, have earned a legendary reputation. If you are looking for a sturdy pack of premium cigars, then try this pack of Cuban Round Cigars. Here are some prominent characteristics of these Cigars:
- EMS Wrapper: Wrapper is an important part of a cigar. It not only directs the aesthetics but also has the power of changing the cigar’s flavor. EMS (English Market Selection) wrappers are a sign of high-quality cigars.
- Authentic Flavor: These cigars are made with 100 percent Cuban-seed tobacco. The flavor you will get in each puff will be deep and authentic.
- Handmade: Each cigar in this pack is completely handmade. You will experience the taste of the world’s finest tobacco as you light up Cuban Round Cigar.
- Cost-Effective: Getting a pack of 20 premium cigars at this rate is highly cost-effective. If you individually buy 20 cigars, you will have to shed a lot more than what is being offered at this rate.
Laced with authentic tobacco fillers and EMS wrappers, this product has all the qualities of a premium cigar. Additionally, it is handcrafted and comes in a cost-effective pack of 20. All these reasons should be more than enough to compel you to make this purchase.
The Cuban Round Cigars are handmade with a short filler blend of 100% Cuban-seed tobaccos, a spicy binder, and an attractive medium-brown EMS wrapper. This Nicaraguan puro is a rich, medium to full-bodied smoke with lots of flavors that is priced just right for your pockets!