The Fashion Show mall has a new neighbor and their smoking stogies on the front plaza in their 1500 square foot new bar. The Davidoff cigar bar is like no other being both indoor and outdoor, featuring a walk-in humidor filled to the brim with premium cigars from around the world. Its also a full service bar that is furnished with a ventilation system to please smokers and non-smokers alike. Patrons can request bottle service, while watching the game on their 80 inch high-def TV. The bar opens up to an outdoor patio area for 50 with spectacular views of the Vegas Strip.
Davidoff cigars will be celebrating the Chinese New Year at their bar by offering the limited edition, Year of the Monkey cigars. These will be created by Davidoff and only available from Davidoff cigars retailers. The cigar is pigtail shaped and very sought after. The blends of Nicaraguan, Mexican, Dominican and Peruvian tobaccos are mixed inside an Ecuadorian Habano Rojiza wrapper. To complete the package a bamboo wooden box holds 10 of the Year of the Monkey cigars.
Only 8,500 of these cigar boxes will be crafted globally, available throughout 2016.
Greg Elam –
Content WriterWindy City Cigars