Don Tomas is a brand to reckon with as they produce a vast lineup of premium cigars beloved by cigar lovers worldwide. Because of the careful selection of the best Hundoran tobacco to make their products, they have been and still are one of the leading sellers of cigars all over the globe.
The wrapper is the signature dark and oily Maduro that offers a cigar with a rich earthy taste that resonates well with the fillers sourced from Honduras. Then the binder is a mix of Honduran and American Connecticut. When you smoke a stogie, the full taste you get is a well-balanced scent with a spicy, earthy, and creamy palatial taste that provides you with a completely rich and dark aromatic sensation.
Don Tomas cigars are in a class of their own, being excellently hand-rolled by professional rollers who must undergo extensive training to ensure that the aeration of the entire cigar is at its best. This means you’ll have a smooth and calming burn, creating a mood fit for any occasion or celebration. As a result, whenever you have an occasion or celebration that necessitates the lighting of a cigar, make Don Tomas Cigars one of your top priorities.
Everything about it is five stars: the structure, the tobacco quality, the silky smooth wrapper, and the reimagined flavors. You will only be doing yourself retribution if you try it, whether you are a beginner or a pro. This cigar’s quality is also unrivaled; it is one of the finest Don Tomas varieties ever produced. It retails in boxes containing twenty of these polished cigars, and you will be glad you bought them. So, could you give them a go?
- Manufacturer: General Cigars
- Country of origin: Honduras
- Country of construction: Honduras
- Wrapper: Maduro
- Binder: Honduras and American Connecticut
- Filler: Nicaragua and Honduras
- Strength: mild-bodied
- Shape: Robusto
- Length: 5 ½ inches
- Ring size: 50