An outstanding blend of several royal components, this cigar has an exclusive demeanor. Comprising Virginia and Maryland-type tobaccos, this pipe tobacco offers a magnificent taste to your palate. Enriched with flavor, this pipe tobacco has several appealing qualities.
Pleasing Combustion
Maryland tobacco is famously known for its desirable burning qualities. Carefully fragmented and blended, this tobacco gives you a scintillating experience.
Finest Grade Tobacco
Opted for its unique blend and taste, this pipe tobacco features the finest ingredients. While Maryland tobacco assures you a fulfilling smoke, diligently aged Virginia tobacco offers a bright aroma and taste.
Impeccable Blend
This unique selection of tobacco pipes is a perfect blend of sumptuous Maryland and Virginia tobacco with top-grade Greek Oriented Leaf and Cyprian Latakia.
Rich Smoky Character
The tasteful combustion, combined with the classic aroma of the tobacco, gives you a remarkable smoking experience. Unified elegantly with the finest Cyprian Latakia, this tobacco pipe gives you a vintage tinge of traditional smoking.
This 8 oz pack has been conscientiously prepared to offer you a statement of royalty whilst you enjoy a refined smoking experience. Proposing a blend of an array of lauded tobacco types, this tobacco pipe assures a magnificent high. Esoterica Stonehaven Pipe Tobacco is made from the finest grade Virginia and Maryland-type tobaccos that are carefully aged and blended with Greek Oriental leaf and top-grade Cyprian Latakia.