There are a number of factors on the basis of which cigars are differentiated. A premium cigar differs from a tobacco cigarette in terms of quality of tobacco, size of cigar,flavored cigars etc. A cigar is an end product of pure tobacco. It is finished using tobacco products where as a tobacco cigarette is made up using the leftovers of tobacco.?
Cigars are available in a number of flavors like vanilla, chocolate, caramel, coffee etc. that enhance your experience of puffing a cigar. Likewise, a tobacco cigarette has no flavor and the smell of tobacco sometimes causes trouble to non-smokers. In order to purchase a good quality of cigar, smokers prefer buying from online?cigar shops because it ensures quality and benefits of purchasing online.?
Purchase of tobacco cigarettes does not provide such facility. For enjoying different brands of cigar, companies have introduced cigar samplers that enable a smoker to purchase a pack of different flavors of cigars manufactured by different companies at a price affordable by all smokers. In earlier days, not all smokers could afford smoking cigars due to its high price but now with the help of advance technology it has become easy to purchase cigars of same quality at a lower price. The uniqueness of cigar makes it different from any other tobacco product.