Flavored Cigars | Acid Cigars | Top Five Vendors | Global Market


There is a high demand for flavored cigars in the global market. This is marked by consumers’ quick-changing needs and specific preferences, economic conditions, and those customers’ standard of living. Several small and big vendors are selling flavored cigars based on price, quality, creativity, reputation, and product distribution. One way to stand out as a player in the market is to use Omni retailing, specific packaging strategies including samplers, and then finally, partnerships to help them grow.

Here are some of the more popular flavored cigar makers today.

General Cigar

General Cigar is a manufacturer and marketer of premium cigars. It holds a portfolio of brands like Macanudo, Cohiba, Partag’s, La Gloria Cubana, CAO, Hoyo de Monterrey, Excalibur, Foundry, and others.

Drew Estate

Drew Estate specializes in manufacturing and supplying various brands of cigars. It has been operating as a subsidiary of Swisher International. Its key brands include ACID Cigars, ACID Krush Classic Cigars, Undercrown Shade, Undercrown Cigars, Liga Privada No. 9 Cigars, Liga Privada T52 Cigars, and Liga Privada Unico Serie Cigars.

Gurkha Cigars

Gurkha Cigars is known for its limited-edition release of luxury cigars and rare tobacco products with aesthetically appealing packaging. The company focuses on expanding its portfolio of luxury cigars and incorporate different flavors to attract consumers.

Imperial Tobacco

Imperial Tobacco has businesses in countries like the UK, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. It has subsidiaries in Germany, Spain, and France. It includes three types of brands – Growth brands such as Gauloises Blondes, Davidoff, JPS, West, and Fine; specialist brands such as Style, Gitanes (cigarettes), Drum Route 66 (fine-cut tobacco), and Golden Virginia; and portfolio brands.

Miami Cigar

Miami Cigars a full-service premium cigar distributor and holds brands like La Aurora, Tatiana, and Nestor Miranda.

Windy City Cigars